Corporate Development
Meet your goals
with the power of visualization.
The IC was founded in 2014 with the aim of defining the future by anticipating changes in the broader world. While a key part of our mission is to identify and develop future learning methods for our students that align changing technology with workforce needs, an underlying theme has also been to demonstrate new ways that people could work together, collaboratively and productively.

"Case Western Reserve University has always led with innovation."
"Why you? Why now? Why HoloLens?"
The first step in a collaboration is to meet, virtually or in person, to lay the groundwork for our collaboration. But before we begin, it would be helpful to know where you are in your process developement.
Exploratory phase is exciting, but overwhelming. Everything feels like a question. We are available to meet with you and discuss the current landscape and possibilities of mixed reality within your industry, so you know where to begin.
Advisory phase is the next step. You've landed on a goal that you believe mixed reality could help you meet, but you need expertise and developement assistance to create the app you need.
Creative Phase is the work. You have a goal, you have decided mixed reality is the way to get there, and you have formulated a plan (including obtaining pertinent assets, identifying ideal users, and scoped out a budget.) Here, we can take the wheel and develop a pilot app.
Ready to take the next step?


The IC Collaborates with CWRU Dance Legend Gary Galbraith
The IC has partnered with CWRU dance faculty member, Gary Galbraith, to stage the first dance performance using Microsoft HoloLens. In this performance, the entire audience of over 80 people will wear a HoloLens. On stage they are able to see animated holographic set pieces, as well as visually stunning “digital costumes”, including particles and…

The IC and Boulevard Arts Launch HoloLens App
The new partnership between the Interactive Commons and Boulevard has launched a new HoloLens app focused on bringing arts and cultural artifacts from the world’s best museums into your living room. This particular app includes impressionist paintings from the Courtauld Gallery and ancient artifacts from The British Museum. The app includes narration from author Neil…

Featured in Computerworld Magazine as Winner of Digital Edge 50 Award
Case Western Reserve University was named a winner of a DigitalEdge50 Award by Computerworld Magazine for our work using HoloLens to transform education. The group was given the award earlier in the year, and you can now learn more in print in the actual magazine. Sue Workman, CIO of CWRU, and Dr. Wish-Baratz, both huge…

On-Stage demo at Smart Connected Cities and US Ignite Conference
The IC’s work on HoloLens-based education and data visualization was featured on stage at the NSF-sponsored conference on Smart and Connected Cities and US Ignite. After an introduction by Case Institute of Technology graduate and CTO of US Ignite Glenn Ricart, IC directors Mark Griswold and Erin Henninger demonstrated how HoloLens could be used for…

The IC and Boulevard Place Second at HoloHack NYC
IC developer Henry Eastman joined IC’s new partner Elizabeth Reede, CEO and co-founder of Boulevard Arts, Inc to participate in the invitation-only HoloHack NYC event sponsored by Microsoft. As a prototype for our future work together, they worked on an innovative way of installing and sharing works of art using HoloLens. The photo here shows a scene from the final result, from left to right,…

IC at Cleveland Clinic’s “Ideas for Tomorrow” with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella
The IC’s work on the HoloAnatomy® Software was featured on stage at Cleveland Clinic’s Ideas for Tomorrow lecture series with Satya Nadella and Toby Cosgrove. After a few days of preparation, the IC team was able to demonstrate a live broadcast from our own custom camera rig showing the holograms that the on-stage presenters could…

IC Featured in New Microsoft Education Video
Physics professor Mike Martens and several other IC staff and students were featured in a new video produced by Microsoft highlighting some of the new educational applications of HoloLens. The video focuses on the first three physics pilot classes in electromagnetics that Mike and student Jake Carlin ran in the spring semester. These classes had…

Sheryl Sandberg Gets a Tour
Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook and founder of, came to Cleveland as part of Cleveland Clinic’s Ideas for Tomorrow lecture series. During this visit, she got a demo of our HoloAnatomy® Software from Erin Henninger and Kerrin Sunshine, and afterwards she posted about it! Read More.

National Geographic Highlights IC Work on HoloAnatomy App
National Geographic Magazine, with a global circulation of approximately 6.5 million per month, featured the HoloAnatomy® application work of the Interactive Commons and Cleveland Clinic. The full page article by Nina Strochlic showed two medical students experiencing the HoloAnatomy® application and described our efforts from 2014 through to today. Read More.

Katie Couric Visits IC
Journalist Katie Couric visited Cleveland as part of her reporting series “Cities on the Rise.” As part of this story, she went on a virtual anatomy tour with Toby Cosgrove and Mark Griswold. This was an experience of an early version of the curriculum that will be used in our new Health Education Campus. Mark…