Corporate Development
Meet your goals
with the power of visualization.
The IC was founded in 2014 with the aim of defining the future by anticipating changes in the broader world. While a key part of our mission is to identify and develop future learning methods for our students that align changing technology with workforce needs, an underlying theme has also been to demonstrate new ways that people could work together, collaboratively and productively.

"Case Western Reserve University has always led with innovation."
"Why you? Why now? Why HoloLens?"
The first step in a collaboration is to meet, virtually or in person, to lay the groundwork for our collaboration. But before we begin, it would be helpful to know where you are in your process developement.
Exploratory phase is exciting, but overwhelming. Everything feels like a question. We are available to meet with you and discuss the current landscape and possibilities of mixed reality within your industry, so you know where to begin.
Advisory phase is the next step. You've landed on a goal that you believe mixed reality could help you meet, but you need expertise and developement assistance to create the app you need.
Creative Phase is the work. You have a goal, you have decided mixed reality is the way to get there, and you have formulated a plan (including obtaining pertinent assets, identifying ideal users, and scoped out a budget.) Here, we can take the wheel and develop a pilot app.
Ready to take the next step?


Remote HoloAnatomy App Featured in Wall Street Journal
During the month of March, the IC facilitated the shipping of 185 HoloLenses to all first year med students at CWRU. Since March 24, 2020, all HoloAnatomy® Software classes have been happening in our students’ homes located throughout North America. The IC’s work on this project was featured in the Wall Street Journal with Sue Workman,…

IC Hosts Global Senior Leaders of Canon
Roughly 20 global senior leaders of Cannon made a visit to Cleveland in late February 2020. During their trip to Cleveland, they made a stop at the IC to discuss both MRI research collaborations as well as experience the Microsoft HoloLens. This visit allowed guest from all over the world to see how CWRU is…

Celebrating the Appointment of Mark Griswold, PhD
Mark Griswold, PhD, Faculty Director at the Interactive Commons and Professor of Radiology was awarded The Pavey Family Designated Professor of Innovative Imaging-Revolutionizing the Worlds of Education and Medicine in February of 2020. CWRU President Barbra Snyder and Dean Pamela Davis of the School of Medicine recognize Griswold for his extensive research and technological advances…

Provost Announces Think Big Pathway Leaders
Provost Ben Vincent III announces Pathway Leaders for the University’s new Think Big strategic plan, and IC Faculty Director Mark Griswold was among the group named. Along with Professor Maggie Popkin of Art History, Mark will helm Pathway 2: Integrate Humanity and Technology. Read the full article here.

CWRU and IC HoloAnatomy App Partners Announced
CWRU announced that they will be partnering with five universities who have signed on to begin teaching with the HoloAnatomy® Software Suite. The University of Oxford, Northwestern University, California Health Sciences, Finger Lakes Community College and Texas Christian University have all jumped on board to utilize the hologram-based curriculum. CWRU’s The Daily. Read full article…

IC Travels to Las Vegas for Consumer Electronics Show 2020
An annual technologies trade show held in Las Vegas where businesses and innovators gather to introduce the next generation technologies and revolutions. Case Western Reserve University (CWRU) Interactive Commons Department (IC) attended this convention and presented HoloAnatomy. This app was created by the IC team using augmented reality technology to teach anatomy.

Microsoft’s Educational Team Makes a Visit to the Interactive Commons
The IC hosted an exciting visit for a few members from the Microsoft Educational Team back in December of 2019. This visit allowed the IC to both catch up with our strategic partners and experience HoloAnatomy, but also give a glimpse into the progress for the future. During this visit, several departments within CWRU were…

IC’s Director of Special Projects Gets Married
On November 30, 2019 the Director of Special Projects Karen (Opper), MFA and Jacob Rhoad got married at St. Christopher’s Church in Rocky River with a celebration that followed at the Historic Old Courthouse in Downtown Cleveland Ohio.

Study on HoloAnatomy published in Medical Science Educator
In this randomized controlled trial, we looked at the effectiveness of a mixed reality (MR) device – the Microsoft HoloLens – to teach musculoskeletal anatomy to medical students compared with traditional cadaveric dissection. This study marks the first time that MR was compared with traditional anatomy learning modalities in a multi-session, group course. Our results…

IC Artist Joins CWRU Team to Transform Teen into 3D Superhero
IC Artist Lisa Tan used her 3-D modeling skills to help transform visually-impaired local teenager into the superhero of his dreams. Read more about the collaboration between local charity The Superhero Project and CWRU’s ThinkBox + IC, as featured on New Channel 5 Cleveland. Read More.