Corporate Development
Meet your goals
with the power of visualization.
The IC was founded in 2014 with the aim of defining the future by anticipating changes in the broader world. While a key part of our mission is to identify and develop future learning methods for our students that align changing technology with workforce needs, an underlying theme has also been to demonstrate new ways that people could work together, collaboratively and productively.

"Case Western Reserve University has always led with innovation."
"Why you? Why now? Why HoloLens?"
The first step in a collaboration is to meet, virtually or in person, to lay the groundwork for our collaboration. But before we begin, it would be helpful to know where you are in your process developement.
Exploratory phase is exciting, but overwhelming. Everything feels like a question. We are available to meet with you and discuss the current landscape and possibilities of mixed reality within your industry, so you know where to begin.
Advisory phase is the next step. You've landed on a goal that you believe mixed reality could help you meet, but you need expertise and developement assistance to create the app you need.
Creative Phase is the work. You have a goal, you have decided mixed reality is the way to get there, and you have formulated a plan (including obtaining pertinent assets, identifying ideal users, and scoped out a budget.) Here, we can take the wheel and develop a pilot app.
Ready to take the next step?


The IC Featured in EdTech Article on How Holographic Tech Could Be the Next Big Offering in K-12 Classrooms
The IC’s work in using HoloLens for educational applications was featured in EdTech Magazine. The IC’s Mark Griswold and Microsoft’s Dan Ayoub was quoted discussing how this technology could impact everything from history to physics to dance. Read More.

Study Results on Cadaveric Dissection vs. Holographic Module published in FASEB
The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) published the results of our study on the educational outcomes and overall impressions of medical students learning through our holographic model as compared with traditional cadaveric dissection. Our results show that scores on the comprehension‐based questions significantly improved more after the holographic module…

Exploring the History of Medical Education in Florence, Italy
As a medical illustrator turned 3D biomedical artist, the anatomical wax collections at La Specola in Florence, Italy, were a true inspiration to see in person. Starting at the Interactive Commons only six months before our visit, I was fresh out of school and had a limited knowledge of the history of medical education. Leonardo…

HoloLens can be so boring sometimes, and that’s okay!
Below you can see a brief mixed-reality capture video taken by Galen Tingle. It shows IC artist, Lisa Tan, working with Dr. Jon Kiechle on some of our new pelvic anatomy. In the IC, this is a run-of-the-mill review session between our artistic staff and our anatomy experts. Despite the fact that Jon was at relative’s…

The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Microsoft HoloLens
New York Times columnist and non-fiction author, Thomas L. Friedman, writes in his new book – “The three largest forces on the planet—technology, globalization, and climate change—are all accelerating at once. As a result, so many aspects of our societies, workplaces, and geopolitics are being reshaped and need to be reimagined.” The main topic of…

Finding Bill Gates Without Even Trying
My life has been a bit surreal since I joined the Interactive Commons (IC) as lead 3D artist. Well, truth be known, it was a bit surreal before the IC, but that’s another story. The IC is a new team of artists and coders working together to help revolutionize the way anatomy is taught (and…

Thoughts and Recollections from the World Economic Forum
Travel Getting from Cleveland to Davos was pretty straight forward: Flight from Cleveland to Dulles, Dulles to Zurich and then hop a couple of trains until you end up at Davos Dorf high in the mountains. It certainly sounds easy enough, but I was sure glad to be in a group. Especially, since that group…

Interactive Commons Featured in The Possibility Report Sponsored by The Atlantic and VMWare
The IC was featured in a new article in The Possibility Report from The Atlantic and VMWare on how VR/AR technology has the potential to change education. The IC’s Faculty Director, Mark Griswold, is quoted saying, “The opportunities for additional education applications are, quite literally, limitless.” Read More.

HoloAnatomy App Featured in Microsoft Winter Olympics Commercial
A very fast clip of the IC’s HoloAnatomy® App is featured in a new Microsoft advertisement that aired during the Winter Olympic Games. The piece is narrated by recording artist, actor, poet, and film producer Common. The message of the spot is very much aligned with the mission of the IC – we have access…