Corporate Development
Meet your goals
with the power of visualization.
The IC was founded in 2014 with the aim of defining the future by anticipating changes in the broader world. While a key part of our mission is to identify and develop future learning methods for our students that align changing technology with workforce needs, an underlying theme has also been to demonstrate new ways that people could work together, collaboratively and productively.

"Case Western Reserve University has always led with innovation."
"Why you? Why now? Why HoloLens?"
The first step in a collaboration is to meet, virtually or in person, to lay the groundwork for our collaboration. But before we begin, it would be helpful to know where you are in your process developement.
Exploratory phase is exciting, but overwhelming. Everything feels like a question. We are available to meet with you and discuss the current landscape and possibilities of mixed reality within your industry, so you know where to begin.
Advisory phase is the next step. You've landed on a goal that you believe mixed reality could help you meet, but you need expertise and developement assistance to create the app you need.
Creative Phase is the work. You have a goal, you have decided mixed reality is the way to get there, and you have formulated a plan (including obtaining pertinent assets, identifying ideal users, and scoped out a budget.) Here, we can take the wheel and develop a pilot app.
Ready to take the next step?


Building the First Holographic Brain ‘Atlas’
Read more about the first ever ‘atlas’ of the pathways in the brain, visualized by the IC and developed in collaboration with Cameron McIntyre, PhD and head of the McIntyre lab at CWRU and a team of researchers and neurosurgeons. The visualization is intended to assist in stereotactic neurosurgery and continued therapeutic research for neurological…

Faculty Director, Mark Griswold, travels to Dubai for World Economic Forum
Faculty Director Mark Griswold traveled to Dubai for the Annual meeting of the Global Future Councils which is a part of the World Economic Forum Network of Global Future Councils. This meeting brings together over 600 members from academia, business, government and civil society to promote innovation dealing with regional, geopolitical and global issues.

The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History Jumps In To a Narwhal Visit With The IC
In October of 2019, The Smithsonian Museum of Natural History opened its door for a one night only experience of 3D Narwhal whales swimming around guests in an immersive experience using the Microsoft HoloLens. The IC team, along with CWRU Alum, Martin Nweeia, created this educational application to teach guests about Narwhals environment, their tusks…

IC and CMA MIX Event Kicks Off Michelangelo Exhibit
Cleveland Museum of Art hosted CMA MIX in October 2019 to kick off their Michelangelo: Mind of the Master exhibition. This gallery took guests through a journey of multiple figures and close studies of human anatomy. The IC created an immersive and interactive HoloLens experience for guests as they attended the mixer.

Levar Burton Impressed By His Visit To The Interactive Commons
Actor, children’s literacy and AIDS research advocate, Levar Burton was named Inamori Ethics prize winner. Inamori International Center for Ethics and Excellence annually presents the Inamori Ethics Prize to a recipient who demonstrates exemplary ethical leadership; the prize honors ethical leaders whose actions and influence greatly improve the human condition. Burton came to CWRU campus…

IC Visits With Army’s Medical Operations Team
Mark Griswold, Interactive Commons Faculty Director and Erin Henninger, Interactive Commons Executive Director, had the chance to meet with the Army’s Medical Operations team to demonstrate CWRU’s use of the Microsoft HoloLens and how they could utilize HoloAnatomy. The Interactive Commons has also created an EMT training simulation demo, designed for the U.S. Department of…

Dance Department Collaborator First In The Arts To Be Honored Distinguished Research Award
Gary Galbraith, MFA, Faculty Director of the Department of Dance at CWRU was awarded the 2019 Faculty Distinguished Research Award. Galbraith choreographed a first of its kind piece Imagined Odyssey which premiered in Fall of 2017. This piece had dancers interacting with holograms as audience members wore Microsoft HoloLens headsets to view the performance. He…

Study on HoloAnatomy Software published in Medical Education Journal
New study on the benefits of our HoloAnatomy® Software application as a supplement to traditional cadaveric dissection in medical education. “A new supplement to gross anatomy dissection: HoloAnatomy®.” Wish-Baratz, S., Gubatina, A. P., Enterline, R., & Griswold, M. A. (2019). Medical Education, 53(5), 522-523 Read full article here (requires additional access).

IC Faculty Director on radio discussing CMA Open Access Project
IC Faculty Director Professor Mark Griswold was interviewed on NPR to discuss the limitless possibilities of Open Access, which brings the Cleveland Museum of Art’s extensive collection into digital public access, in part through mixed reality. Listen here.

Featured Twice in Educause’s 2018 Horizon Report
The EDUCAUSE 2018 Horizon Report (formally the New Media Consortium Horizon Report) strives to look at practices likely to enter mainstream use within the next 5 years, and cites examples. CWRU is called out twice – The ThinkBox in Maker Spaces (Pg. 40) and the Interactive Commons and the use of HoloLens in the dance performance…