Posts by IC Staff

HoloAnatomy Featured in EdSurge

The IC’s work on the HoloAnatomy® Software Suite was featured in a recent EdSurge article. When CWRU launches a new health education campus with the Cleveland Clinic next year, one feature will be conspicuously absent. There will be no place for cadavers.  First-year medical students will still get to take part in conventional dissections through…

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HoloAnatomy App Featured at Naming Event for the New Health Education Building

The Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University will name the centerpiece of their new $515-million health education campus the Sheila and Eric Samson Pavilion. The 485,000-square-foot facility is part of an 11-acre health education campus between Euclid and Chester avenues that is set to open in summer 2019. The Samson Pavilion will bring together…

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CWRU Featured in Microsoft CEO’s Keynote at Inspire 2018

Microsoft CEO, Satya Nadella, featured our ongoing collaboration in quantum computing at the 2018 Inspire conference. Nadella stressed that organizations around the world are undergoing transformation fueled by cloud, artificial intelligence, mixed reality and the Internet of Things. In this context, Nadella said “Case Western Reserve University has always led with innovation”. This section starts…

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The IC’s Work in Mixed Reality Featured in the Chronicle of Higher Education

Yale University brought together faculty members, technologists, and others from more than a dozen colleges, including our team at the IC, to discuss their experiments with virtual reality, augmented reality, and 3-D printers. The workshop covered a host of topics, including the ethics of virtual experiences, the impact of immersive storytelling, and how to serve…

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Real-time MRI and HoloLens Visualization Featured at the ISMRM Annual Meeting in Paris

Dominique Franson, a graduate student in CWRU BME professor Nicole Seiberlich’s lab, presented the first on-stage demonstration of real-time Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) acquisition and post-processing with real-time visualization in a HoloLens at the 2018 the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) meeting in Paris. The system, designed with the help of former…

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IC Executive Director, Erin Henninger, Receives President’s Award for Distinguished Service

Nominated by people from no fewer than eight schools, offices and departments, Interactive Commons Executive Director, Erin Henninger was honored with the President’s Award for Distinguished Services. This award is granted to staff members “whose outstanding contributions to our campus culture have a transformational effect on university colleagues, students, or visitors with whom they come into…

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Microsoft Partners with CWRU on Quantum Computing, Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting

After an exceptional experience together using holograms for learning, Case Western Reserve and Microsoft are collaborating again—this time with quantum computing.  The centerpiece of the effort involves Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF), an innovative approach to imaging data that would allow quicker and more accurate detection of developing diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, or heart…

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Study Results on Cadaveric Dissection vs. Holographic Module published in FASEB

The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) published the results of our study on the educational outcomes and overall impressions of medical students learning through our holographic model as compared with traditional cadaveric dissection. Our results show that scores on the comprehension‐based questions significantly improved more after the holographic module…

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