Our Partners
Our work
is only as strong as our partnerships
We are proud to have partnered with institutions that are working hard to change the way people work, create, and design for the future.
One of the great benefits of being housed within an internationally recognized research institution is that we have been able to connect with partners and individuals from all fields — developing collaborations with scientists, artists, designers and leaders who are shaping the world we live in and innovating future technology and experiences.

"The relationship we have now with the IC is the best kind of relationship, where it has changed from a customer relationship to a partnership. We have really come to respect each other as people, which transcends what organization we work in. People who are living at that cross section of tech and purpose and empowerment."
General Manager


The IC and Boulevard Arts Launch HoloLens App
August 1, 2017
The new partnership between the Interactive Commons and Boulevard has launched a new HoloLens app focused on bringing arts and...

Featured in Computerworld Magazine as Winner of Digital Edge 50 Award
July 11, 2017
Case Western Reserve University was named a winner of a DigitalEdge50 Award by Computerworld Magazine for our work using HoloLens...

On-Stage demo at Smart Connected Cities and US Ignite Conference
June 26, 2017
The IC's work on HoloLens-based education and data visualization was featured on stage at the NSF-sponsored conference on Smart and...

The IC and Boulevard Place Second at HoloHack NYC
June 21, 2017
IC developer Henry Eastman joined IC's new partner Elizabeth Reede, CEO and co-founder of Boulevard Arts, Inc to participate in the invitation-only HoloHack...

IC at Cleveland Clinic’s “Ideas for Tomorrow” with Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella
June 20, 2017
The IC's work on the HoloAnatomy® Software was featured on stage at Cleveland Clinic's Ideas for Tomorrow lecture series with...

IC Featured in New Microsoft Education Video
June 10, 2017
Physics professor Mike Martens and several other IC staff and students were featured in a new video produced by Microsoft...

Sheryl Sandberg Gets a Tour
June 7, 2017
Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook and founder of Leanin.org, came to Cleveland as part of Cleveland Clinic's Ideas for...