Microsoft HoloLens – Partners Make it Real
Partners like Lowe’s, Greg Lynn FORM, Case Western Reserve University, NASA, and more have moved from proofs of concept to pilot and are now putting Microsoft HoloLens to use in real business scenarios. Watch.
Read MoreIC Develops First Third Party Application for HoloLens
Developers in the IC helped CWRU make history by delivering the first third party application in the Microsoft HoloLens app store. The application is a quick demonstration of how we plan to use HoloLens for anatomy education in the future. The accompanying video has already been viewed by millions of people from all over the globe.…
Read MoreCWRU on Stage for Second HoloLens Demo at //BUILD
Dean of the Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Pamela B. Davis, was on stage at the 2016 Microsoft //Build conference to update the world on our digital anatomy program. She was joined on stage by IC members Jeff Mlakar and Henry Eastman who did a live demonstration of the application. They also brought…
Read MoreHistoric Groundbreaking of New Health Education Campus
This is the text body from the article. Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic break ground on health education campus. Learn how technology is being incorporated into the health sciences. Watch.
Read MoreCuring Cancer with Radio Waves and Magnetic Nanoparticles
CWRU researcher lands grant to build stealthy brain tumor treatment combining nanotechnology with traditional chemotherapy drug and resistance-inhibitors. As Stathis Karathanasis says, “It’s the Midwestern mentality and the culture at Case Western Reserve that allows people to just talk. And then serendipity occurs.” Read More.
Read MoreMicrosoft Announces Developer Kits
Microsoft announces HoloLens developer kit price, and a nice shout out to its partners, including CWRU (beginning at minute 16:30). Watch.
Read MoreCWRU on Stage at //BUILD to help launch HoloLens
Professor Mark Griswold was invited to present a demo liveon stage to an audience of 5,000+ at the 2015 Microsoft //Build developers’conference. News (Wired) “Microsoft Shows HoloLens’ Augmented Reality IsNo Gimmick“: (PC Mag) “Microsoft Wows Build with HoloLens HologramShow“ (Gizmodo) “Put A HoloLens in the Classroom and I’llHappily Go Back to School“ Press…
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